Hypecon is an anime and videogame convention in Hyvinkää, Finland. At Hypecon you can explore panels, Warhammer, merchandise tables, stage performances, and a whole lot more!

In 2024 Hypecon will be held in June 8.-9.6.2024!

The event is for all ages and free to attend!

Hypecon is an event that anybody can take part in organizing. The planning is coordinated by the Hyvinkää Youth Services and the “Conitea” – a group of volunteers. You can participate in planning the event and coming up with program ideas by contacting ✉ hypecon@hypecon.net via email. 

From this link, you can find more information about how the event is built! (in Finnish)


Hypecon is looking for program holders! You can find the application form here! The application form is open 8.1.-7.4.2024!

Hypecon 2024 vendor applications are open! You can find more information and application instructions from our website at https://hypecon.net/applications/


We have published a statement about changes to our cosplay rules. These changes apply to realistic war costumes. You can read the statement by clicking this text! (in Finnish)